Second survey shows Liz Truss ahead of Rishi Sunak in UK PM race – Times of India

London: a new survey of members of the regime conservative Party foreign secretary shows liz truss is firmly ahead of the opponent Rishi Sunki In the race to replace Boris Johnson as British Prime Minister.
survey of Tory Members electing a new leader to take office at 10 Downing Street from 5 September, released Wednesday night by the ConservativeHome website, found that 58 percent of them returned the truss.
Former Chancellor Sunak got the support of 26 percent, while 12 percent were undecided. This is the second poll since Wednesday that shows the cabinet minister extending his lead over the former British Indian minister, with an earlier YouGov poll showing that the truce is across all age groups, in different parts of the country, and for men and women. The middle was ahead.
“YouGov gives him a 34-point lead, which, if forcibly selected, adds up to a 38-point lead (69 percent to 31 percent). Don’t know our 16 points and divide the others equally among the candidates.” .. truss has a 32 point lead (66 per cent to 34 per cent),” claims the ConservativeHome survey.
“Overall, if our new findings and that of YouGov are correct, Sunak needs a big game-changer to turn this competition around. And it is very difficult to see where it could be coming from,” it notes.
The latest findings come as Sunak faces a fresh blow with another former candidate and senior Tory, Sajid Javid, backing Truss in the race for his “bold agenda”.
The Pakistani-born former health secretary, and Sunak’s former boss at the UK Treasury when he was chancellor, writes in ‘The Times’ that his refusal to cut taxes means the UK risks “a high-tax, low -The sleepwalking in the growth “economy” – a reference to Sunak’s tax strategy.
Javid writes, “Some people claim that tax cuts can be done only when we have growth. I believe, on the contrary, tax cuts are a prerequisite for growth.”
“Tax cuts are necessary now. There are no risk-free options in the government. However, in my view, not cutting taxes also carries more risk,” he said.
Last month, Javid launched his own leadership bid for the top job on a platform of sharp tax cuts, but dropped out after failing to garner enough nominations from Tory lawmakers to go to the first round of voting.
It was his resignation from Johnson’s cabinet that came first, soon after Sunak and then several other ministers forced the outgoing prime minister’s hand to announce their resignations and trigger the election of the Tory leadership.
Truss now has the support of most former candidates, including Chancellor Nadim Xahavi, Trade Minister Penny Mordount and Tory backbencher Tom Tugendat.
An estimated 180,000 party members began receiving their ballots this week and have the option of a postal or online ballot, which must be registered by the evening of September 2. The votes would then be counted by the Conservative Campaign Headquarters (CCHQ) and the result was announced on 5 September.
watch Liz Truss ahead of Rishi Sunak in UK PM race: New survey