See: It’s Sugar-Free Carrot Pudding For all health conscious people

We love a variety of sweets in summers, but come winter, and our taste buds crave gajar ka halwa all the time. This winter-special pudding made with carrots and milk is an all-time favorite dessert we know and love. Almost all Indian households make this treat regularly during this season, but its high sugar content is the only problem for weight watchers, diabetics and health conscious people. This sugar-free gajar ka halwa recipe is perfect for them!

This recipe lets you make your own favorites, without compromising on flavor. winter dessert without any fault. Sweetness is provided by healthy dates that replace unhealthy refined sugar. Dates are first soaked in water and then ground into a paste. The paste is added to the chopped carrots, which are roasted in a little ghee and boiled in milk until well cooked. Cardamom powder and cashew nuts are also added to enhance the taste of this delicious halwa.

About Sugar-Free Gajar Ka Halwa Recipe: How to Make Sugar-Free Gajar Ka Halwa

With just a few ingredients, you can make a healthy yet delicious gajar ka halwa for your entire family. Carrots are a great food to eat, especially in winters, as it can aid in weight loss, control cholesterol and also help build immunity. The best part about this dish is that it is very easy to prepare and all the ingredients are easily available in this season.

See the full recipe for Sugar-Free Gajar Ka Halwa in the header. For the sugar-free gajar ka halwa text recipe, click here,

So, without hesitation, make a sugar-free version of this classic gajar ke halwa and enjoy the winter season without worrying about your health.

About Neha GroverThe love of reading sparked his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading as she sips coffee.
