Severe heatwave conditions likely over parts of New Delhi

Meteorological office has forecast mainly clear sky with heat wave conditions at most places

Meteorological office has forecast mainly clear sky with heat wave conditions at most places

The India Meteorological Department said heatwave conditions persisted in most parts of the national capital with the minimum temperature recording 25 degrees Celsius on Sunday.

The relative humidity was recorded at 40 per cent at 8.30 am.

The Met Office has forecast mainly clear skies with heat wave conditions at most places, while severe heat wave conditions are expected at isolated places in the national capital.

The maximum temperature is likely to be around 45 degree Celsius.

On Saturday, the minimum temperature in the city was recorded at 26.5 degrees Celsius, a notch above normal, while the maximum temperature was recorded at 44.2 degrees Celsius, five notches above the average.