Shah Rukh Khan’s look in ‘Pathan’ will surprise you, director Siddharth Anand reveals this secret

Shahrukh Khan’s film is ‘Pathan’

special things

  • Shahrukh Khan’s film is ‘Pathan’
  • Siddharth Anand is the director of the film
  • Releasing on 25th January

New Delhi :

Aditya Chopra and director Siddharth Anand’s ‘Pathan’ is trying to make India’s biggest action film ever for the audience. Raj Films’ scintillating actioner ‘Pathan’ is a part of Aditya Chopra’s Opportunistic Spy Universe and stars Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in lead roles. The audience’s pulse-pounding, non-stop extravaganza film features Shah Rukh Khan as the Killing Machine spy. Siddharth Pathan talks about the vision of Superstar’s Shaaseer Cool Luke, which has already become popular among the masses.

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Siddharth says, ‘Shah Rukh Khan has portrayed himself in innumerable looks that have shaped the pop-culture of our country. He inspired to dress like Shah after the jump. His looks are linked to moments and memories of people. It would not be wrong to say that he has made India more likeable with his style in films. Hence, creating an out-of-the-box look for Shah Rukh, who plays an associate detective in Pathan, was a task and a big challenge.’

Siddharth further says, ‘We wanted to capture the essence of his description. They are cool in nature with whoever they are and through their hair. We wanted Shah Rukh to be the epitome of the alpha male, someone who is effortlessly cool and hot at the same time with his looks. Looking at the responses his Luke has been receiving, I think we have managed to give millions of his fans around the world yet another cool look that they can be proud and proud of.’ The movie Pathan is releasing on January 25, 2023 in Hindi, Tamil and Notify.

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