Sharing a bed with your partner boosts mental health, says new study

Love, this word sounds so simple but it has many colors which come to the fore as the relationship progresses. Love is not just about expressing and saying ‘I love you’ but it is much more than that. There are many ways in which your partner can help you feel healthier and happier. Be it through physical comfort or emotional intimacy. Recently, a study showed that sleeping next to your partner improves sleep quality and improves mental health. A study published in Sleep, the official journal of the Sleep Research Society, found that people who slept with their partner had a stronger relationship, “lower depression, anxiety and stress scores, and greater social support.”

The study was conducted on 1,000 adults in southeastern Pennsylvania. The research sought to find out the relationship between sleeping partners, sleep quality and sleep disorders. According to Brandon Fuentes, a graduate researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Arizona and lead author of the study, “Sleeping with a romantic partner or spouse has many benefits on sleep health, including reduced sleep apnea risk, increased sleepiness, and decreased sleepiness.” severity, and overall improvement in sleep quality.”

To conduct the study, a group of researchers from the University of Arizona collected and analyzed data from the Sleep and Health Activity, Diet, Environment and Socialization (SHADES) Study.

The study showed that adults who shared the same bed with their romantic partner on most nights experienced less severe insomnia and fatigue, and they spent more time sleeping through the night without any disturbances. Not only that, some participants also reported that when they slept with their partner, they fell asleep faster than on other nights and had a lower risk of sleep apnea. Conversely, the study also found that those who slept with their children instead of their partner suffered severe insomnia, a higher risk of sleep apnea, and disturbed and uneven sleep.

Senior study author, Dr. Michael Grandner, director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona, shared, “Very few research studies explore this, but our findings suggest whether we sleep alone or with a partner, family member or pet.” With the animal. Can affect our sleep health.”

In addition to sharing a bed with a partner and children, the researchers also looked at a third factor, that is, sleeping alone and found that those who slept alone had “higher depression scores, less social support, and worse life and relationship satisfaction.” experience.”

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