Sharp rise in number of burials in Russian-held areas of Ukraine: NGO – Times of India

KYIV: Satellite photos and ground photos show a sharp increase in the number of burials in Russian occupied territories UkraineAccording to a report released on Friday.
non official Information Resilience Center analyzed images of burials in six areas – two of them previously held by the Russian military and the rest still under Moscow’s control in southern Ukraine.
“Open source information can provide unprecedented access to those on the front lines of war in Ukraine and areas occupied by Russian forces,” it said. Benjamin StrickDirector of Investigation in CIR.
Feather starokrimske in the cemetery MariupolThe report’s authors said about 1,000 new graves could be seen over a period of about five months between October 21 and March 28.
Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February, and by the end of March its forces had almost complete control of the strategic port of Mariupol.
The rate of burials increased sharply thereafter, with 1,141 new graves seen in satellite images between March 28 and May 12, and more than 1,700 between May 12 and June 29, the authors said.
The figures could not be independently verified.
“Our report reflects the continuing, extreme pressure on civilian life in Ukraine,” Strick said.
“The increasing number of temporary burials and graves in and around Ukraine, especially in and around the occupied territories, is a clear example of civilian mortality after the Russian invasion.”
The researchers cross-referenced satellite imagery against geolocated data, including social media.
The images also show large trenches being dug at two sites near Mariupol – Pynerske and humans – As well as temporary graves around the city.
Ukraine estimates the total civilian casualties in Mariupol, which has seen the fiercest fighting of the war so far.
In Kherson In the south, which remains under Russian control despite a Ukrainian counter-offensive, the report said 824 graves were dug between the start of the war and the beginning of April.
The UN human rights office has said more than 5,000 civilians have died in Ukraine, but believes the actual number is likely to be much higher.