Shaunak Sen’s documentary ‘All That Breathes’ wins L’Oil d’Or award at Cannes

All That Breathes recently premiered at Cannes in a special screening segment

all that breathes It recently premiered in the special screening segment at Cannes.

film producer sounak sen documentary, all that breathes, The 2022 L’OEil d’Or Prize has been awarded.

The L’OEil d’Or Documentary Award, also known as The Golden Eye Award, was created in 2015 by the French-speaking writers’ society LaScam in collaboration with Cannes Film Festival.

all that breathesWhich recently premiered at Cannes in a special screening segment, follows the lives of siblings Mohammad Saud and Nadeem Shahzad, working out of their abandoned cellar in Wazirabad, a village in Delhi, to find injured birds, especially Save and treat black people from Kite.

The 90-minute-long film was chosen as the winner by a jury that included Polish filmmaker Agnieszka Holland, Ukrainian writer-director Irina Tsilek, French actor Pierre Deladonchamps, journalist Alex Vicente and Moroccan writer-filmmaker Hicham Fallah.

“L’Oil d’Or goes to a film that, in a world of destruction, reminds us that every life counts, and every little action counts. You can hold your camera, you can catch a bird.” You can save, you can hunt for a few moments to steal the beauty, that’s what counts.”

“This is an inspiring journey into the observation of three Don Quijotes, who cannot save the whole world, but can save their own world,” the jury said in a note shared on the L’OEil d’Or website.

The prize includes a cash prize of 5,000 euros.

In 2021, filmmaker Payal Kapadia won the award for his documentary, The night of knowing nothing

The Special Jury Prize was awarded to the final film of Lithuanian filmmaker Mantas Kvedravicius. mariopolis 2an intimate look at Russo-Ukraine War, Kvedravicius was reportedly gunned down by the Russian military during the shooting of the documentary in April.

mariopolis 2 It also premiered at the Cannes Film Festival last week.

The 75th edition of the film festival, which began on May 17, will conclude on Saturday.