Shingles: a painful viral disease, requiring timely medical help

Many people have suffered from chicken pox in childhood but they are not aware that in some people its effects can last for a long time. In these people, the chickenpox virus remains dormant even after recovery. It can reactivate later, especially in aging adults and cause a separate disease called shingles. As we get older, our immunity declines, and people at risk of shingles are those who have had chickenpox at some point in their lives and later diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, and HIV. Some other conditions have developed. These diseases further weaken the aging immune system and leave us open to many serious infections like ringworm.

Ringworm in Maharashtra has an interesting name: Nagin, a name given to it because the rash it causes looks like a snake encircling the body. It is seen as bad omen in the local culture. As a result, patients often do not seek medical attention as quickly as possible and rely on inadequate local treatment. People who have had chicken pox and are now over the age of 50 should learn to recognize the symptoms of shingles and seek medical help without delay.

Shingles can cause severe pain and intense discomfort.

Although the rash may go away on its own, the pain may persist and affect the daily activities of aging adults. About 10% to 50% of aging patients suffer from persistent pain after shingles. This 1 pain can disable patients and increase their dependence on caregivers. Shingles can also cause permanent scarring in some patients. Rare complications of shingles include vision loss, hearing loss or weakness in the hands and feet. 2

Shingles especially requires immediate medical attention to relieve pain and reduce complications of the disease. There are specific anti-viral drugs that can be effectively used to treat ringworm. However, treatment needs to start early to be most effective.

It is time to dispel the myth that ringworm is a ‘bad omen’. It is a viral infection with painful, bothersome symptoms. Local home remedies cannot cure this virus. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor. Not only can shingles be treated if detected early, but it can also be prevented with a vaccine.

Shingles especially requires immediate medical attention to relieve pain and reduce complications of the disease. There are specific anti-viral drugs that can be effectively used to treat ringworm. However, treatment needs to start early to be most effective.

It is time to dispel the myth that ringworm is a ‘bad omen’. It is a viral infection with painful, bothersome symptoms. Local home remedies cannot cure this virus. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor. Not only can shingles be treated if detected early, but it can also be prevented with a vaccine.

We should make sure that all adults over the age of 50 talk to their doctor about the preventive benefits of vaccination. Vaccines are an important pillar of preventive health. Disease prevention lightens the burden on our health infrastructure and the economic burden on individuals. It also helps them to lead a life free from illness, pain and dependence on others. Several vaccines are already available that can protect older adults from a number of serious diseases, and it is expected that soon one will be made available for shingles. This article is written by Dr. Anil Patki, Senior Consultant Dermatologist

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