Shop owner arrested, contractor absconding in case of building collapse

A day after a three-storey building collapsed in North Delhi’s Sabzi Mandi, the police have arrested a person, who has a shop on the ground floor of the building where repairs and repairs were going on, he said.

Police said the accused, identified as Mohak Arora, a resident of Sabzi Mandi, has been booked under sections 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder), 288 (negligent conduct with respect to demolition or repair of buildings) and 34 (common intention). has been arrested. ) of the Indian Penal Code. Sources said the contractor who was assigned the repair work is absconding and teams are on the lookout for him.

missing worker

Locals said that the rescue operation was going on till late Monday night and the debris was removed on Tuesday. A police officer said that the laborers who were suspected to be trapped under the debris were not found. “It is reported that the repair work was completed on Sunday evening and only one laborer was inside the shop at the time of the incident on Monday. He is yet to be traced,” said the official.

loss of livelihood

The injured elderly Ramji Das Aneja was discharged after treatment on Monday evening. Recalling the incident, he told Hindu That a customer came to his shop and he had just gone to him when he saw stones falling from the roof. “He asked me to leave the shop quickly as he managed to run out. I got up from the counter and had reached the shutter when the building collapsed completely and I was clinging to the wall.

He said that Rs 80,000 were inside his shop, which are now missing, and he is left with no source of income to feed his widowed daughter-in-law and grandson. “I lost my son to dengue three years ago and my wife to COVID three months ago. This was my only source of income and I do not know how I will survive and feed my daughter-in-law,” he said.

At around 11.30 am on Monday, two brothers were killed when two shops on the ground floor and a residential house on three floors above it collapsed. The children – Soumya (12) and Prashant (7) – were crossing the congested street with their parents when the incident took place.


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