Signs Of Liver Disease: Don’t Avoid These 5 Dangerous Indicators!

Symptoms of liver disease: Liver diseases can be really dangerous because initially there are no symptoms. Liver is an important organ as it is responsible for managing many vital functions in the body. Whether the production of bile is necessary for digestion or the removal of waste products to aid in detoxification, a healthy liver is essential for proper functioning of the body. When it gets filled with harmful things like excessive fat, alcohol, high calories, the functioning gets hampered. Thus, it is important to keep an eye out for any signs that may point towards liver problems.

Here are the signs that point towards improper functioning of the liver:

1. Yellow stool: Stool is usually dark in color because bile salts are secreted by a healthy liver. The impaired functioning liver will not be able to digest the fat and thus, the stool is floaty and yellow in colour.

2. Nausea: The liver cannot filter out toxins and a buildup in the bloodstream results in nausea.

3. Gastrocolic reflex: If you feel like pottying immediately after eating, it means that your liver is bad. This happens because it fails to absorb and use what you eat.

4. Yellow skin and eyes: Due to the liver’s inability to effectively process the build-up of bilirubin, your eyes and skin may itch.

6. dark urine: It also occurs due to excessive build-up of bilirubin.

7. swollen belly: Also known as ascites, in this condition, there is retention of fluid in the abdomen.