Sinn Féin: Nationalist Sinn Féin gets majority in N Ireland vote – Times of India

Belfast: Sinn FeinThe former political wing of the IRA, a paramilitary group that used bombs and bullets to drive out Northern Ireland UK Governancehailed its first electoral victory in Northern Ireland’s history as a “defining moment” for British-controlled territory and called for a debate on the creation of a united Ireland.
Official results showed that Sinn Féin secured 29% of the first preference votes for the regional parliament. The Irish Nationalist Party won 27 seats, three ahead of the pro-British Democratic Unionist Party with two seats left to declare.
“Today represents a very important moment of change. It is a defining moment for our politics and our people,” said Michelle O’Neill, head of Sinn Féin in Northern Ireland. He said there should now be an “honest debate” about the party’s goal of uniting the region with the Republic of Ireland.
Sinn Fein win Will not change the status of the territory, as a referendum is necessary to leave Britain British Government And maybe years away. But the symbolic significance is enormous, ending a century of domination by pro-British parties supported by the region’s Protestant population. Asked by a reporter whether he expected to become the region’s first Irish nationalist First Minister, O’Neill said: “The people have spoken.” While the largest party has the right to put forward a candidate for first minister in the region’s mandated power-sharing government, disagreements with the DUP mean such an appointment could be months away.