Sitting Disease: How To Overcome Health Problems Caused By Sedentary Lifestyle – Check Out Simple Tips

Are you spending hours at your desk working, studying, or just being a couch potato? Be careful, as these habits can lead to serious health complications that can affect your quality of life. Dr. Indramani Upadhyay, HOD, Physio Department, Healing Tree Hospital, Ghaziabad says, “Sitting disease, also known as sedentary lifestyle syndrome, is a term used to describe the health risks associated with prolonged sitting Is. This condition is caused by a deficiency. Lack of physical activity can lead to many health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.”

6 ways to get rid of sitting disease

It is important to overcome sedentary lifestyle by including a healthy dose of physical activity. Dr Upadhyay tells us some important ways of over sitting disease:

1) Taking breaks and moving around: One of the most effective ways to overcome sitting sickness is to take breaks from sitting and move around. You can set reminders to take a five-minute break every hour to stand up, stretch, or move around.

2) Doing some stretching exercises: Take a few minutes during your break to do some stretching exercises. This will help improve your flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness.

3) Use of stairs instead of lift: Try using the stairs instead of the lift. This will help you stay active and improve your heart health.

4) Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine: You can incorporate physical activity into your daily routine by taking a brisk walk during your lunch break, doing some light exercise while watching TV, or taking up a hobby that involves physical activity, such as dancing or swimming.

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5) Standing up regularly: Try to stand regularly while working. You can use a standing desk or elevate your computer to eye level to encourage standing.

6) Practicing Good Posture: Practicing good posture while sitting can help reduce stress on your back and neck muscles. Be sure to sit up straight, keep your feet flat on the floor, and adjust your chair and desk height to ensure proper alignment. You can also try using a lumbar pillow or a rolled-up towel behind your lower back for extra support.

Overcoming Sitting Disease: Adapt Your Body to a Better Metabolic State

Recently, nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee also addressed the disorder. She took to Instagram to share some easy changes you can make to incorporate some movement while you work out. “If you alternate periods of standing with periods of sitting at 30-minute or 1-hour intervals, you can actually reverse the problems associated with sitting for too long and put your body in a better metabolic state and better health.” Can adapt for,” she wrote on the social media platform, captioning her video.

Check out the post below:

As Mukherjee’s post suggests, she advocates for standing desks while working, ‘walking meetings – have meetings when you walk’, stretching at your desk or practicing deep breathing.