Situation at the border is ‘stable’, Chinese foreign minister tells External Affairs Minister Jaishankar

During the meeting of Foreign Ministers of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar held a bilateral meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Thursday, May 4, 2023 in Goa, India. Photo Credit: ANI

The situation at the India-China border is “generally stable” and both sides should “learn lessons from history”, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang told External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar in a conversation on Thursday, May 4, 2023.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement on the talks that continued in the early hours of Friday, May 5, that Mr. Qin “stated that the current Sino-Indian border situation is generally stable” and “the two sides should continue to implement the important consensus reached between the leaders of the two countries, consolidate the achievements made, strictly abide by the relevant agreements and protocols, And cooling and easing should be promoted, and maintained. Permanent peace and tranquility in the border area.

Mr Jaishankar on Thursday said he had “detailed discussions with China’s State Councilor and FM Qin Gang on our bilateral relations” and “the focus is on resolving outstanding issues and ensuring peace and tranquility in the border areas, After their talks during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Benaulim, Goa

Mr. Qin and other Chinese officials have described the border situation as “stable” and called it normalized management, and asked India to keep the issue at an “appropriate” position in the relationship.

Indian officials have reiterated their view that relations with China still remain “abnormal” and have called for an urgent completion of the disengagement process in the two remaining friction areas at Depsang and Demchok. China has dragged its feet in the slow-moving disengagement talks that have been going on for three years. Both sides have disengaged in five areas, creating buffer zones in some of them.

‘Lessons from history’

Meanwhile, thousands of troops remain in forward areas. India has also called for de-induction and de-escalation of these troops to return to the status quo of April 2020, which has been rejected by China.

Mr. Qin described the two countries as “the two most populous developing countries in the world, and both are in an important phase of modernization.”

“We should draw lessons from history, approach our bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, respect, learn from each other and share achievements, and pursue harmonious coexistence, peaceful development and common ground among major neighbours. One should walk on the new path of rejuvenation. , so as to accelerate national rejuvenation and add stability and positive energy to world peace and development,” he said.

China stands ready to hold bilateral consultations and exchanges with India, enhance dialogue and cooperation within the multilateral framework, deepen coordination and cooperation on international and regional issues, and promote China-India relations to return to a healthy and stable development track ready for. ,” He added.

However, India has said that this would be possible only when the de-escalation of the LAC is complete and peace is restored along the borders.