Skin Care: 5 Collagen Rich Indian Foods For Healthy And Nourished Skin

We all tend to be extra cautious when it comes to skin care. Most of us try to follow a healthy diet to maintain soft and nourished skin. After all, we all love that natural glow from within! But that does not mean that we keep on applying layers of serums, oils and moisturisers. Contrary to popular belief, skin health depends on what we feed our body. Drinking enough water, eating nutrient-rich foods, and leading a healthy lifestyle all come together to promote the health of our skin. One such super effective nutrient for the skin is collagen. According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta, “Collagen is a large protein that is used to form connective tissue, which in turn holds all other tissues together. Collagen is present in bones, joints, blood, muscles and cartilage.” It’s considered the most important protein for healthy-looking skin because it gives it elasticity and strength.”

Read also: 5 collagen-rich fruits that can help promote clear and healthy skin

What helps in making collagen in our skin:

Collagen is found naturally in most animal proteins; However, plant foods contain several important nutrients that help with collagen production in our bodies. According to Rupali Dutta, the nutrients that help in building collagen in our body are “amino acids, vitamin C, zinc, manganese and copper”.

Which Indian food has collagen: Foods that help in collagen production in the body:

Recommend, if you are looking for a skin-healthy diet, include foods in your diet that help boost collagen production, thereby giving a super healthy skin. And to do so, you don’t need to go the extra mile. There are countless whole foods that are ideal for your daily collagen fix. Here we bring you some common Indian foods that are rich in collagen. Just have a look

Here are 5 collagen-rich foods you can try:

1. Chicken

Considered to be one of the foods with the highest amount of collagen, chicken is widely consumed across India. Experts suggest, a whole chicken has a good amount of connective tissue from which collagen can be derived. Therefore, it is recommended to enjoy chicken in its steak version (due to the connective structure of the tissue).

2. Amla

Amla is a super food and there is no denying it. It is enriched with Vitamin C which acts as a strong antioxidant to promote healthy skin. Apart from this, it also aids in our metabolic and immune health.

3. Fish

Fish is considered an excellent source of collagen. Both saltwater and freshwater fish contain amino acids that play an important role in collagen production in our bodies.

4. Milk and milk products

People in India thrive on milk, curd, paneer, butter and other dairy products. Each of these food items is rich in zinc – a mineral that helps with collagen production in the body.

5. Lentils

Lentils are a staple in Indian cuisine. Explore any region across the country, you will find that pulses play an important role in the food habit of the local people. Apart from being cheap and accessible, lentils are also super healthy. It contains several essential nutrients, including copper and manganese – both of which work by activating enzymes needed for collagen production.

Now that you have got the list, we suggest adding these foods to your daily diet for healthy skin and overall nutrition. Get happy and glowing skin, everyone!

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.

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