Snapdragon Gene, Anticancer Properties – Purple Tomatoes Are a Superfruit, 14 Years in the Making

New DelhiWhen European scientists genetically modified a tomato with DNA from a snapdragon flower in 2008, the result was a purple tomato with anti-cancer properties. Fourteen years later, this royal-colored GMO (genetically modified organism) has finally been approved by US regulators.

Earlier this month, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recognized that the plant can be safely grown and grown in the US. “We found that the plant is not likely to have increased plant pest risk compared to other cultivated tomatoes,” the USDA said. a statement,

Whether the customers will bite remains to be seen. But from next year people will be able to buy seeds and grow GMO tomatoes. The researchers behind it have expressed enthusiasm that their “healthier” creation will eventually be able to travel to American tables.

“It’s fantastic, I never thought I’d see this day. Now we’re excited to eat healthy purple tomatoes,” said Cathy Martin, Professor at the John Innes Center in the UK and one of the scientists involved in the research. One step closer to your dream to share with us.” Statement,

Here’s a look at why purple tomatoes may be more nutritious than regular tomatoes and the science behind them.

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What Makes Purple Tomatoes So ‘Healthy’?

‘Purple Tomato’ was created not only for its visual appeal but also for its enhanced nutritional properties.

It was first developed in the laboratory 14 years ago by an international team of researchers from Italy, Britain, Germany and the Netherlands.

The team introduced genes from Antirrinum to grow anthocyanin-rich purple tomatoes – a variety of plants commonly known by names such as snapdragon, dragon flower and dog flower.

Anthocyanins are naturally occurring pigments that are present in particularly high levels in berries such as blackberries, cranberries and chokeberries. they have no taste or smell Their own, although their presence, brings out a slightly “astringent”, or acidic, flavor.

More importantly, there is some evidence that anthocyanins provide protection against certain cancers, heart disease and age-related degenerative disorders due to their anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. study also performance that these properties make them useful in the management of obesity and related conditions.

Martin said, “Most people don’t eat five portions of fruits and vegetables a day, but they could get more benefits from what they do eat if common fruits and vegetables could be developed that are higher in bioactive compounds.” ” Told In a statement back in 2008.

The Science Behind Purple Tomatoes

In 2008, A. In study published in the journal Nature BiotechnologyThe team described how they expressed two genes from snapdragons that induce the production of anthocyanins in snapdragon flowers.

The gene was turned on in tomato fruit, resulting in higher levels of anthocyanins in tomatoes than previously reported in the fruit’s rind or flesh.

The resulting fruit was also an intense purple color.

For the study, the researchers further conducted tests on cancer-susceptible mice. They found that the lifespan of such mice was significantly increased when their diet was supplemented with purple tomatoes compared to normal red tomatoes.

Martin, along with Jonathan Jones from the Sainsbury Laboratory, in 2009 founded a spin-off company called Norfolk Plant Sciences – the UK’s first GM crop company. they presented Demand for regulatory approval in August last year.

“The best part is that the tomatoes will be on sale in the US and not the UK. But the plus side is that we will be consumer-oriented by focusing on domestic producers, and we will get the necessary feedback and interest to develop other products. Will be able to do it,” Martin was quoted earlier in the 2022 statement.

(Edited by Aswari Singh)

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