Social media use linked to developing depression – Times of India

New York: Young adults who use more social media, regardless of their personality type, are significantly more likely to develop depression within six months, a new study finds.
Findings, published in Journal of Affective Disorders Reportshowed that people with high agreeableness were 49 percent less likely to be depressed than those with low consent.
“Previous research has linked the development of depression to several factors,” the authors said, including: chunhua caoan assistant professor in education college Feather University of Alabama,
“However, there has been a lack of studies in the literature that focus on how different personality characteristics may interact with social media use and depression. This new study addressed these important research questions, all finding strong and linear associations of depression across personality traits,” he added. ,
The team also found that people with high neuroticism were twice as likely to develop depression as those with low neuroticism when they used social media for more than 300 minutes per day.
For the study, the team included a sample of more than 1,000 US adults between the ages of 18 and 30.
Depression was measured using patient health questionnaire, Social media was measured by asking participants how much daily time was spent using popular social media platforms.
Meanwhile, personality was measured using Big Five Inventorywhich assessed openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.
The authors suggest that problematic social comparisons may increase negative feelings about self and others, which may explain how the risk of depression increases with increased use of social media.
Engaging in primarily negative material can also exacerbate these feelings. And finally, engaging in more social media reduces opportunities for personal interactions and activities outside the home.