Solskjaer criticizes lack of ‘common sense’ in Premier League matches Football News – Times of India

Manchester (England): Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer He says there is “no common sense” in his team, which is being forced to play in the opening match of the weekend after being included in Wednesday’s match. Champions League.
joint face Everton Feather old Trafford After hosting Villarreal on Wednesday in European competition, in the lunchtime kickoff slot on Saturday.
Rivals Liverpool and Manchester City played on Tuesday, but the final fixture of the weekend is the slot, meeting at Anfield on Sunday afternoon.
The United manager said he had found no reasoning for the fixture order, but blamed the television companies.
“Absolutely no explanation. Well, it’s TV,” he said at his press conference on Friday.
Solskjaer noted that a similar situation happened last season when United traveled to Turkey in midweek to face Istanbul Busaksehir and then face Everton at Goodison Park at Saturday lunch, which he Was told “ready to fail”.
“Absolutely no common sense, we had a similar scenario last year when we played in Turkey and came back and played Everton,” he said.
“The crowd has to help, it’s important and I know they will.
“We and Chelsea played on Wednesday night, we could have easily played on Sunday and the Liverpool vs City match should have been Saturday. Unfortunately common sense may not be so common,” he said.
Solskjaer also addressed the frustration shown by Dutch midfielder Donny van de Beek, who was upset over not being used as a substitute during Wednesday’s game, throwing away his training bib.
“I understand the frustration, of course, that every player is eager to play, it’s built into the energy and some determination when you go ahead and then show me,” said the United boss, who was a player. As was a frequent deputy under Alex Ferguson.
“It’s not just Donnie, it’s all the players. I have the international team and if we’re going to be successful together we know we need positive energy, we can’t have energy-sappers or sulkers.” .
He said, “But Donny never negatively affected his team-mates, that’s all that has been said. As soon as I see players negatively affecting the team, it’s a different scenario.” And I’ll probably be stronger,” he said.


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