Som Pradosh Vrat 2022: 4 auspicious yogas on the day of Ashadh Som Pradosh Vrat, know the method of worship

Som Pradosh Vrat 2022: There is a law to worship Shiva on the day of Pradosh Vrat.

special things

  • There are special coincidences of Bar Som Pradosh fast.
  • Som Pradosh fast of Ashadh month is on this day.
  • Lord Shiva is worshiped during Pradosh fast.

Som Pradosh Vrat 2022: Pradosh Vrat is a dedication to Shiva. Som Pradosh fast of Ashadh month is kept on Tuesday, July 11. Will Som Pradosh Vrat (Som Pradosh Vrat) With this, in the light of fruit when the mind is disturbed… According to the experts of astrology, this time there are 4 auspicious yoga astrology on the day of Som Pradosh fast. Ashad Shukla Trayodashi Tithi is the date of Mars planet, hence it is Soma Pradosh fast. Let’s come to Mother’s day which are cured on the day of Ashadha Som Pradosh Vrat (Ashadha Som Pradosh Vrat) and what is the method of Som Pradosh Vrat.

this also further

4 auspicious yogas will be formed on the day of Som Pradosh fast. Auspicious coincidence will be on 4th Som Pradosh fast

According to the scriptures (astrology), this time on the day of Som Pradosh Vrat (Som Pradosh Vrat) 4 auspicious results. Soma Pradosh Vrat will start with Brahma Yoga and Sarva Siddha Yoga. From this sunrise till 9 o’clock in the night, there will also be a coincidence of Shukla Yoga. The rising total from 5:15 to 5.32 is also complete. Surya Yoga, Brahma Yoga, Shukla Yoga and Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga are becoming one in Soma Pradosh fasting. In these auspicious yogas, there are people with a special identity of Shiva.

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Som Pradosh Vrat Puja Method | Som Pradosh Vrat Puja Method

In Som Pradosh Vrat (Som Pradosh Vrat) worship of Go Shiva (Lord Shiva) is done for 45 first minutes before Suryadev and 45 minutes for Suryadev. Such well-wishers broadcast homage-cut clothes to worship Shiva. The color of this color is auspicious. Shiva is worshiped during Pradosh period. The Shivling is charged with a stream from the vessel of the infected. Abhishek was performed after happiness. Prayer time is Om Namah or Sarva Siddhi Hai Namah: It is correct to chant this mantra 108 times. After this, the story of Badal Pradosh Vrat. Also recitation of Shiv Chalisa. The pod is strong enough to chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra on this day.

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