Sorted in Terror Order: After the serial number is updated in the order of future updates

It should happen after remembering Judges Singh 19.

New Delhi :

The future life event of Kashmir (Yasin Malik) presents the girl in Delhi court in her childhood (terrorism) and doctor (separatist activities) in dangerous condition. Gave this information for the court. It is said that the court is asked to read the Uttar Pradesh section 16 (terrorist) 17 (terrorist) section 16 (terrorist), 18 (terrorist’s prediction), and 20 (terrorist’s meeting). Being a member of the Act) and the punishment under section 120-B (criminal charge) and 124-A (Indian sedition) of the Penal Code is not challenged.

this also further

After dinner at 19 o’clock to play the special judge, he plays the game as he is asked to play. In the meantime, the court has ordered Farooq Ahmed Hypertension Bitta, Shabir Shah Kara, Masrat Shah, Mohammad Shah, Afta Ahmed Shah, Altaf Ahmed Shah Shah, Mohammad Akbar Khande, Mohammad Akbar Khande, Bashir Ahmed Bhat, Zahoor Ahmed Bhat, Zahoor Ahmed Bhat, Like other formulaically related styles including Watli, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Val Rashid Shruti, and not Kishore Kapoor.

Lateral of Fugitive-e-Taiba (Elicit) works closely with Lashk-e-Taiba (LE).

(news said)