Spice up your table with these 7 Chicken Recipes Made in the Tandoor

Chicken cooked in a tandoor, over a charcoal-fired fire, always has a distinct taste. Because, when meat is lowered into the oven on skewers and cooked over extreme heat, it acquires a distinct and smoky flavor. It cannot be denied that most of us enjoy chicken dishes made in tandoor. Beautifully roasted meat, with its smoky flavor and just the right amount of spice, is perhaps the best form of spicy comfort food and outshines any other dish! Apart from the classic tandoori chicken, there are many other interesting dishes that can be made in a tandoor.

We have compiled a list of 7 recipes to help you cook chicken in a tandoor in different ways. Just have a look.

1) Tandoori Chicken

This delicious dish gets its charm from the fresh blend of tandoori masala. Marinate the chicken pieces in these spices and some oil. Then grill the pieces in a tandoor. An unforgettable dish is ready.

2) Jalapenos Chicken Tandoori Tikka

This chicken tikka recipe gets a delicious punch from the jalapeo. Spice it up with ginger, garlic, lemon and chaat masala. Butter and curd give it a perfect texture and taste. Serve the dish with mint chutney.


3) roasted chicken masala

For spice, mix coriander, green cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaf, cumin, etc. and grind them. Apart from this spice, marinate the chicken with other things including chaat masala, black pepper, curd and red chili paste. Grill the chicken over a hot tandoor for a delicious dish.


4) bhatti da cock pindiwala

This is a charcoal grilled dish straight from the streets of Punjab. In this, the chicken legs are marinated overnight with some delightful spices. While cooking, place the chicken on the charcoal tandoor and fry for a few minutes. Roast it with ghee. Mouth watering, isn’t it?

5) cock fire bad

In this dish, chicken pieces are marinated with ginger, garlic, cloves, chili powder and oil. These pieces are then grilled in a tandoor. Its smoky flavor and bunch of spices make it a perfect dish. It is often served with a green salad.

6) Tandoori Chicken Sticks

Many times you can serve this dish as a starter in parties and functions. Tandoori Chicken Sticks are a kind of flavored chicken legs served with the goodness of curd and fresh coriander. Chicken pieces are packed in sheets of foil and grilled until cooked. Finally they are added to cocktail sticks and served.


7) Restaurant-Style Hakeem Tandoor Chicken

If you really want to break free from the same old pattern of making chicken, this is the best one you can try. First marinate the chicken with spices, cream, cashew paste, lemon juice and then fry them in a tandoor till they become brown and tender.

Do you know which tandoor cooked chicken dish tickles your tastebuds in the comments below!


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