Sri Lankan leader offers to share power as protests escalate – Times of India

Colombo: Sri LankaThe crisis-ridden president offered to share power with the opposition on Monday as protests demanding his resignation grew over growing shortages of food, fuel and medicines.
President Gotabaya RajapaksaThe invitation to legislators came as heavily armed security forces looked to prevent further demonstrations over what the government has admitted to what itself is the worst shortage of essential items since independence from Britain in 1948.
“The president invites all political parties in parliament to accept cabinet positions and join the effort to resolve the national crisis,” Rajapaksa’s office said in a statement.
It insisted that the solution to the deepening crisis must be found “within a democratic framework”, as thousands of cities, towns and villages joined in spontaneous demonstrations.
The invitation came after 26 cabinet members – every minister except Rajapaksa and his elder brother Mahinda Rajapakse – Submitted resignation in a meeting held late on Sunday.
country’s central bank governor Ajit Kabrali — one who has long opposed one International Monetary Fund Bailout for the country – also stepped down on Monday.
The departure cleared the way for the country’s ruling political clan to shore up its vulnerable position.
In the first nomination of the new cabinet, the president reappointed four outgoing ministers, three of them in their old jobs, while he replaced his brother. Basil As Finance Minister with the previous Justice Chief.
The President said other cabinet vacancies would be filled after talks with the opposition.
But there was no immediate reaction from the opposition, which will not join any government led by Rajapaksa, according to comments by its main leader on Sunday. sajith premadasa,
Political analysts said the offer of a unity government was not enough to address the economic crisis or restore confidence in the Rajapaksa administration.
“It’s like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic,” political analyst and human rights lawyer Bhavani Fonseca told AFP. “It’s a joke.”
Political columnist Viktor Ivan said a cabinet reshuffle under the guise of a national government would not be acceptable to those demanding Rajapaksa’s departure.
“A serious reform program is needed to address issues of governance, not just to revive the economy,” Ivan told AFP.
The South Asian island nation is reeling from unprecedented food and fuel shortages, as well as record inflation and crippling power cuts, with no sign of the end of the economic crisis.
Trading was halted on the country’s stock exchange seconds after it opened on Monday as shares fell more than the five percent needed to trigger an automatic stop.
The government has announced that it will seek a bailout from the International Monetary Fund, but talks have yet to begin.
A top security official told AFP that troops and police were put on high alert after the 36-hour curfew ended in the morning, despite intelligence reports warning of further unrest.
Police said thousands took to the streets in the Rajapaksa stronghold of Tangalle in the island’s deep south, demanding the family’s resignation.
Anti-Rajapaksa rallies in the region in recent years were unimaginable.
“Get mad, go crazy,” the crowd in Kiribathgoda on Monday referred to the president, who imposed a state of emergency a day after a mob attempted to attack his residence.
During Sunday evening, hundreds of people in the island’s cities of 22 million held noisy but peaceful demonstrations, condemning Rajapaksa’s handling of the crisis.
But Sunday’s all-day curfew halted large protests organized through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, all of which were blocked by the government.
The platforms were unblocked and partial internet censorship ended after 15 hours, as the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka declared the ban illegal.
A junior coalition ally announced he would leave the administration this week, a move that would undermine Rajapaksa’s majority in the legislature.
Many economists say Sri Lanka’s crisis has been exacerbated by government mismanagement, years of accumulated borrowing and unfair tax cuts.