Stalin urges DMK cadre to focus on defeating BJP in Lok Sabha polls

Chief Minister MK Stalin on Tuesday appealed to the DMK cadre to gear up for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections to save the country by defeating the BJP.

After unveiling the statue of late chief minister M. Karunanidhi at the DMK district office in Ozhuginsery, he said, “Evil forces are continuing their efforts to create caste and religious strife in Tamil Nadu through fake and nefarious campaigns to oust DMK from power.” Is doing.”

He said the DMK was providing an “able administration” after returning to power 22 months ago. Though the ‘Dravidian model’ of administration was being appreciated by people within and outside the state, some people were involved in mud-slinging to create division among people on caste and religious lines, he said.

Since they could not tolerate the ‘Dravidian model’ and the stupendous victory of DMK and its allies in all the elections, they were relentlessly trying to create riots and caste and communal strife. They wanted to disturb the peace in the state. “These evil forces are being given a befitting reply by the people. My only appeal to you is that DMK, which has won a landslide victory in all the elections, should continue the winning streak in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections as well. Apart from having the responsibility to save Tamil Nadu, we have a bigger responsibility to save the country from BJP by defeating the party. To achieve this goal, we should put aside our differences and shed our ego. With your support, I can do it,” he said.

Earlier, the Chief Minister inaugurated the Nagercoil Corporation’s four-storey administrative building constructed with a plinth area of ​​56,809 sq ft at a cost of Rs 10.50 crore near Anna Stadium. The building has surveillance cameras, fire fighting equipment and two elevators, among other features.