Status stays safe in case of Anis family status

Bhattacharya said that Anees was pitched from the home setting.


Your house was counted in the police (police) count. In the case of the state 14. Anees’s father Salem Khan but the valet to the son of Rajasekhar Mantha. as you will

this also further

The condition is to remain stable for an indefinite period of time. When the case was registered during the transmission of the case, it was recorded in exactly the same way as when the system was investigated. The state said it was better for you. The complete details of Khan’s body were recorded. It was registered on the orders of the second court.

Parents have done this. In the government’s position, it was said that Anees had opened from the window of his house on February 19 in Amta, Howrah Logs. In this case, the matter was registered by the Environmental Investigation Team (STF) and section 304A (death by negligence) of the Indian Penal Code was capped. ️ Alleged ️ Alleged ️

Anees’s Lashkars have fought combatants with the security forces. To do this after he activated it. Bhattacharya said that Anees was pitched from the home setting.

(news said)