Stock trading and traveling the world: How a Kolkata girl is living her dream

A high-paying banker job is the dream of many who aspire to make it big in the financial capital of India, Mumbai. So, when Rajarshita Sur from Kolkata took a job in the treasury department of a private bank in Mumbai, no wonder she got a big win. But after a few years, she could no longer resist her dreams. The dream of seeing the world, traveling to unseen places got the better of her, and Rajarshita packed her bags to embark on the stock trading route – and closed the resignation letter while traveling.

“The job was good, but I wanted more control over my working hours so that I could travel and live wherever I wanted without worrying about my source of income,” says Rajarshita.

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Rajarshita Sur, an independent stock trader, and a solo traveller

Being involved in foreign exchange (FX) trading during her tenure as a banker, she was well accustomed to the ropes of the stock markets. However, becoming a full time stock trader was not easy.

“I took the risk because I was confident about my knowledge of the stock markets. I learned the technicalities of the job and my college education also helped me with the curriculum. Also, being a technical analyst in a bank, I had to refine it. My skill set got the opportunity,” says Rajarshita.

She is also grateful to her parents for “not being overly dramatic” on her decision to quit her regular job. Now, eight years into her career as an independent trader, Rajarshita has grown into a ‘guru’ of investing wisely while keeping a lid on her greed. Comparing trading with casinos, Rajarshita says, “If someone gets a taste for money, they feel they are betting more. And, in that area, people lose everything”.

However, despite her successes, she admits that stock trading is not a hunky-dory profession as it takes a lot of mental strength. She admits that her biggest loss ever in the stock market was when she tried her hand at futures and options (F&O) trading. “It is easy to make profits during a bull market, but my biggest loss came when I entered F&O trading in 2016. In a single trade, I was wiped out. I lost. 2 lakhs. It humbled me.” she says.

Describing futures and options as a deadly combination, Rajarshita says that he lost 70-80% profit in just one or two trades. “If one wants to start trading in futures, they must work on their skill set and presence of mind as 1-2% may be lost 50,000 in seconds,” he continued.

According to Rajarshita, exchange traded funds, better known as ETFs, are the safest bet if one wants to be a part of the stock market without in-depth knowledge of it.

If the market falls 500-700 points, Rajarshita says she reallocates a good chunk of the money in the ETF. She says that 10-20% of her trading profits are spent on travel and the remaining amount is invested in ETFs, Gold Bes, Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs), blue-chip companies and mid-cap stocks, Portfolio Management Services. Is. PMS) or smaller cases. Apart from this, she also invests some part of her earnings in trading. Rajarshita says, “Trading is like an IPL match while investing is like a Test cricket match. ,

Rajarshita, who has been a faculty at the National Stock Exchange (NSE), said she sets her monthly target profit at 3%-4%, and closes her trading terminal as soon as she achieves her target. and leaves for a ‘well’. – lol’ holiday. “I live my life like there’s no tomorrow,” says the prolific solo traveler. Her passport has been through the United Kingdom, Turkey, Southeast Asia and about 70% of Europe.

After a week-long holiday in Nepal, Rajarshita is now planning to reach the coasts of Kenya and Iceland. “I love to travel and am glad that I have chosen a profession that has helped me realize my dream,” she says. keeps royalty to a minimum 10 lakh set aside for his holidays every year. “There are two reasons I travel. One is to rejuvenate me from the market downturn and the other is to celebrate that I made it,” she quips.

Rajarshita Sur, an independent stock trader, and a solo traveller

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Rajarshita Sur, an independent stock trader, and a solo traveller

Her Instagram bio, “Forever on Vacation,” is an inexhaustible testament to her long-standing love affair with travel and exploration.

Read also: Mumbai’s housewife turned stock trader is the mantra of her success

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