Stop? What! Barfi meets ice cream in this unique fusion dessert; the internet is shocked

The culinary experiments of chefs and street vendors have created buzz about fusion food. Combining two different recipes, we take the best ingredients of each to create a dish with all the favorite flavors! Fusion cuisine represents the best of both worlds and that is why people have started liking them even more so that fusion food has become an important part of our cuisine. Our eyes get moist just thinking of dishes like Tandoori Momos, Gulab Jamun Cheesecake and Samosa Chaat. We have found another exciting fusion dessert that takes inspiration from desi barfi and the all-time favorite ice cream – it is called Ice Cream Barfi. This ice cream barfi video on the internet has stunned millions of Indian viewers with this unique and delicious dessert. Don’t believe us? to keep track:

In the video, we see how this fusion dessert is made. First, kilograms of white chocolate are broken into pieces. Then all the white chocolate is melted over a double boiler until it is completely smooth and without lumps. After this, cut the tutti frutti and put it in the boiling chocolate. The melted chocolate is kept away from the flame and then poured into a square container to set and cool. Once it cools down, it is cut into small squares like barfi and sold in sweet shops.

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The video was uploaded by food blogger Amar Sirohi through his Instagram page @foodie_incarnate. It has been viewed more than 15.9 million times and has about 645 thousand likes. The internet was in awe of this dessert, with some suggesting that it should be named white chocolate barfi instead of ice cream barfi, others were mesmerized by how just two ingredients could make a delicious dessert.

What did you think of this barfi? Tell us in the comment section below!
