stories that sound promising

It places people at the center of events or incidents on which journalists report

It places people at the center of events or incidents on which journalists report

As for the world, each reporter’s job is mainly to smell the terrible things that are hidden from view. It cannot be denied that shocking stories grab attention. Human-interest stories are sometimes left in print, given the demands of newspaper column space.

In addition to a passion for writing, every journalist has an innate interest in people and probably knows when and how to expose them. But the challenge is also to explain to a boss why, for example, Kanthimathi, who feeds the lonely and poor everyday in Madurai Or the many unsung heroes in every nook and corner of the country who try to make the world better without any encouragement, there are important stories.

This is not to undermine any news or event, as each has its own importance. The old newsroom saying – if it bleeds, it moves – is probably still true, but what is true is that people seek out human-interest stories, too. Time and again, strong human-interest stories have drawn heartstrings and set the news agenda. My experience assures me that there is always power in a good person.

A ‘no story’ that became famous

I vividly remember the year 9/11 happened and two months later our newsroom chats continue to center around one of the deadliest terrorist attacks we’ve ever seen, with a trail of sadness behind it. It was winter evening and a gruff looking man came to the office in Delhi Hindu He was requesting coverage for the free coaching center being set up for poor children in Patna. He said that children dream of joining IITs and their enthusiasm is evident. He was upset that most of the newspapers in the city had turned him away. They wanted him to prove himself first. I can’t tell what it was: maybe it was his weakness or the seriousness in his voice and eyes that prompted me to give him a seat and listen to his story.

The story was about a man whose proficiency in mathematics earned him a seat at the University of Cambridge. But he had to leave it because his father did not have enough money to send it. The young man had a strong desire to keep his love for the subject alive and was determined not to let money stand in the way of children aspiring to join higher educational institutions.

Then who knew what Anand Kumar had ahead of him? My three pars may not have done wonders on him, but some donation came in his hands and with help from somewhere else, Anand Kumar took off. ‘Super 30’ was a dream for him and the children he adopted were from the interiors of Bihar. the rest is history.

in 2019, when Hindi movie, super 30, Based on His Life, was released, I wrote again about the man who had now become famous. He surprised me by tweeting that he remembered our first meeting when he had no money. It was probably the connection I had with him that made him the subject of ‘No Story’ in 2001, powerful, and 18 years later, delightful.

When journalists focus on people who do remarkable things hidden from view, the impact doesn’t go away from them. The story makes a difference. Too often, we read about terminally ill patients who capture and help the public’s imagination with their bucket lists. This is because a story of human interest has the power to move readers.

Several studies at the universities of Pennsylvania, Southampton and Texas have shown that stories that strengthen belief in human nature are more discussed and shared, leading to positive engagement and greater reach. News with optimistic endings leave readers feeling informed and motivated to take positive action while typical news results in people feeling sad, helpless, anxious and pessimistic.

We still hear the old axiom, good news is no news. But the good news is also about a better tomorrow and fast travel in today’s world.