Street Foods of India: 6 Easy Mumbai Street Food Recipes You Must Try

Street food plays a major role in defining the food culture of Mumbai. If you search, you will find various delicious street food in every nook and corner of the city. In fact, it would be no exaggeration to say that these delicious dishes are no less than a staple for Mumbaikars. If you ask us, what attracts us the most is the variety it has to offer. From vada pav For Pav Bhaji and Dabeli – Many are spoiling us for options. Each dish offers unique tastes, flavors and textures. Here we have picked some of our favorite street food Mumbai Which are not only delicious but can also be made at home without any hassles. These recipes have been shared by food vlogger Parul on her YouTube channel ‘Cook with Parul’. let’s take a look.

Read also: 13 Best Street Food Recipes

Here are 6 easy street food options from Mumbai:

1. Pav Bhaji

The very idea of ​​street food of Mumbai reminds us of Pav Bhaji. The spicy bhaji paired with the butter toasted pav defines the dish as indulgence. Moreover, it also makes for a nutritious meal at any time of the day. For pav bhaji, all you need to do is make a vegetable mish-mash with the special pav bhaji masala and then pair with pav, onions, green chillies and a dollop of butter.

2. Chaat the chickpeas

This next dish strikes a balance between health and taste. This chana chaat is made from boiled black gram, which is then mixed with lemon, chopped onions, tomatoes, green chillies and coriander leaves in spices. Apart from being delicious, this dish also gives you a good amount of protein, fiber and many other nutrients.


3. Masala Toast

We all love sandwiches; not us?! It is easy to make and helps us to cook food quickly anytime of the day. Keeping this in mind, we bring you Mumbai’s popular Masala Toast where sandwiches are given a desi makeover with green chutney, masala, potatoes and much more. Trust us, Mumbai Ka Masala Toast will surely leave a strong impression on your palate.


4. Tawa Pulao

To put it simply, tawa pulao is desi-style fried rice that includes lots of vegetables and pav bhaji masala for that extra zing. In addition, it also makes a hearty and complete meal that can satisfy your hunger anytime and anywhere, while delighting the appetite.

5. Veg Frankie Roll

Another popular street food of Mumbai, Frankie Roll is the city’s very own roll made with chicken or vegetables. Here the softest rotis are stuffed with veg or chicken filling, which is topped with some delicious chutney. We think, the Mumbai-style frankie roll packs a punch like no other!


6. Dabeli

Dabeli is probably the second most popular pav-based dish in Mumbai (the first is vada pav). Also popular in Gujarat, Dabeli is a desi-sandwich where aloo masala, spicy garlic chutney, and many other ingredients are pressed between two slices of pav and served. It is usually served with spicy tamarind chutney, roasted peanuts and pomegranate.


Already slapping? Here we bring you detailed recipe videos on how to make each of the above dishes at home.

Watch the video here:

sounds easy; Is not it? Now that you have the recipe handy, make some delicious Mumbai street food for yourself and enjoy at home. And do let us know which of the above dishes you liked the most.
