Street vendor makes omelet with 4 types of eggs; Internet Rejected Recipe

Love it or hate it, eggs are one of the most loved options when it comes to quick and easy breakfast recipes. Poach it or prepare it on the sunny side, every variation of the humble egg is loved by all. Along with being extremely tasty, eggs are also highly nutritious and are naturally one of the most preferred choices among health conscious people and those trying to watch their weight. A perfect breakfast option, there can never be too many eggs in one plate, right? Well, we thought so until we came across this video of a street vendor making a fusion omelet called ‘King Kong Omelette’.

(Also read: This Viral ‘Inside-Out’ Omelette Trick Will Change the Way You Make It Forever,

Not one but several eggs are used in this dish. But wait, that’s not the point, the dish isn’t just about adding more eggs; It’s about adding every kind of egg preparation you can think of. The vendor has used 4 different egg preparations for the peculiar ‘King Kong Omelette’. He starts off by preparing a kind of gravy with paneer and mayo and a boiled egg and then tops it with a ‘sunny side up’ egg. Then he prepares an omelet with cheese and places it around the dish, pours a few more hard-boiled eggs over it and finally decorates the dish with loads of cheese. Check it out here:

(Also read: Who’s waiting? Man makes fried cheese for breakfast; Internet unhappy with video, here’s why,

Although the caption reads ‘Jim Freak try this special omelet’ indicating how it would be a power-packed breakfast, comments left on the video disagree with the recipe. There is major concern among the audience amount of cheese was being used in the dish and if adding cheese was necessary at all.

Brother, it is not necessary to put things in everything, I got bored seeing the thing. Felle butter ka pagalpanti, ab paneer ka’ (Is it necessary to put paneer in every dish? I am bored with how much paneer has become, earlier it was butter and now it is paneer) One of the top comments on the video read one.

Some other comments left on the video are ‘cheese on chai next’, ‘cheese hi dado direct’ (maybe serve cheese straight), and ‘nonsense’ (disgusting).

Other funny comments on the video were ‘Loose bowel movements guaranteed’ and

“None: …

Shopkeeper: Adds cheese to random crap

Food blogger: oh oh bhaya ne kamaal kar diya” (Oh wow this is amazing)

(Also read: Do Indian food bloggers overuse paneer? Twitter Users Share Memes,

What do you think about the dish? Does this cheese and egg combo get a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ from you? Let us know in the comments below.
