Strong case for Global South-sensitive model of globalization: Jaishankar | India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar said on Thursday in the case of the Global South-sensitive model globalization is getting stronger day by day and India stands for a change from self-centred globalization to human-centred globalisation.
Addressing the Foreign Ministers’ Session in Voice of global south The summit, Jaishankar said the summit was conceived as a platform for developing countries to share their concerns, perspectives and priorities.
India clearly sees that major concerns of developing countries are not being addressed G-20 Debate and discuss, he said.
“Whether it is the impact of the COVID pandemic, climate change, terrorism, ongoing conflicts and the debt crisis, the search for solutions does not give due importance to the needs and aspirations of the Global South. That is why we wanted to ensure that India’s G-20 The Presidency gathers that voice, the perspective, the priorities of the Global South, and articulates that clearly in its debates,” Jaishankar said.
Noting that the world is becoming increasingly volatile and uncertain for the South, Jaishankar said the Covid-19 period has exposed the danger of hyper-centralised globalization and fragile supply chains.
“The knock-on effects of the Ukraine conflict were another stressor, particularly on food, energy and fertilizer security. Capital flows began to decline as debt increased. International financial institutions and multilateral development banks effectively addressed these concerns. Have struggled to assess and resolve. Concerns over a Covid resurgence are further dampening sentiment,” he said.
Against a backdrop of unfulfilled promises, developing countries are also expected to bear the burden of developing climate resilience, industrializing without decarbonization, tackling rising climate events and lifting millions of people out of poverty – all at the same time – disruptions And Jaishankar said there is uncertainty in the global supply chain. “Those who were promised an interconnected world, actually see a world with high walls, insensitive to social needs and discriminatory in health practices,” the minister said.
Jaishankar asserted that the case for a Global South-sensitive model of globalization is getting stronger by the day.
He said that India is in favor of three fundamental changes that can create a conducive environment and one of them is the model of globalization – from self-centered globalization to human-centered globalization – he said.
This means more focus on growth overall, he said.
The minister also called for a different approach to innovation and technology – from seeking tech patronage to deploying Global South-led innovations for social change.
On development cooperation, Jaishankar called for a shift from debt-generating projects to demand-driven and sustainable development cooperation.
“We will also work towards de-centralizing and de-risking globalization. Such a model will provide more opportunities to many more countries including all of you. It will also help in promoting localization, improving connectivity and reconfiguring supply chains. Will satisfy a strong desire to ensure economic security,” he said.
Talking about innovation and technology, Jaishankar said India is ready to share its experiences and expertise.
“In particular, we have deployed game-changing digital public goods in universal identity, financial payments, direct benefit transfers, digital health, commerce, industry and logistics. They will be both affordable and accessible to the Global South,” he said. .
“We are also keen on exchanging best practices between our countries. There is much we can all learn from each other. India looks forward to simple, scalable and sustainable solutions from across the Global South that can benefit our ensure the betterment of the country’s people,” he said.
Jaishankar also highlighted that India has implemented development projects in 78 countries which are demand driven, transparent, empowerment oriented, environment friendly and rely on consultative approach.
“While ensuring respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he added.
Noting that India has also emerged as an education and health care hub for the Global South, Jaishankar said the country’s capacity building programs and humanitarian assistance and first responder activities in disaster relief (HADR) situations There are important examples of this approach.
The International Solar Alliance, the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure and now Mission Life, a worldwide program to promote climate-friendly lifestyles, are all evidence of the priority that India places on its diplomacy, he said.
Jaishankar said, “And of course, during Covid, we talked about international cooperation by providing vaccines to more than 100 partners and medicines to more than 150 countries.”