Students protest against ‘poor facilities’ at pre-examination training center

Center reportedly lacks infrastructure for stenography courses under Directorate of Scheduled Castes Development

Center reportedly lacks infrastructure for stenography courses under Directorate of Scheduled Castes Development

The students of the pre-examination training center at East Hill here on Wednesday went on a symbolic strike to protest against the alleged negligence in providing necessary infrastructure to the Center despite several pleas by the Directorate of Scheduled Castes Development.

This center is run by the directorate to prepare unemployed youth from scheduled caste communities for jobs and entrance exams. It has been a year since the two-year stenography course started in the center. However, the administration has reportedly not made any arrangement for practical training which requires a computer lab.

Computer word processing is one of the six papers in the stenography course, but the students are yet to gain any practical experience in this area. With the first year exams to be held in December, students are deeply worried.

The center has a computer lab for desktop printing courses. However, reportedly 16 computers went out of use due to malfunction. Also the directorate did not appoint a trainer. There has been no admission in this course for the last four years.

Inaugurating the dharna, Satish Parannoor, patron of SC/ST Protection Committee, said the issue was brought to the notice of the directorate several times, but there was no response. He also said that the protest would be intensified in the coming days if the authorities failed to take steps to set up computer labs at the centre.