Students, teachers protest against NEP, FYUP

Several associations of students and teachers on Thursday protested against the National Policy on Education and the resumption of the four-year undergraduate program (FYUP) in Delhi University. He also sought the reopening of colleges and schools that were closed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The protest was held outside Shastri Bhawan located in the office of the Ministry of Education here. The protesting organizations said in a joint statement that they have submitted a memorandum to the education ministry.

“Representatives of various organizations addressed the gathering outside Shastri Bhawan…. Since no one from the ministry appeared before the protesting people, a delegation was sent to the ministry along with the memorandum.

The organizations say that they will intensify their protest if their demands are not met. The protesting organizations included All India Forum for Right to Education (AIFTRE), All India Revolutionary Students Organization (AIRSO), AISA, DYFI, SFI and Youth for Swaraj.

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