Studies find more clues to possible causes of severe hepatitis cases in children – Times of India

LONDON: The recent rise in cases of acute hepatitis in children is probably linked to a common childhood virus, two independent studies by British researchers have suggested.
Countries around the world began reporting cases of severe liver inflammation, or hepatitis of unknown origin, in children in April 2022.
As of now, at least 1,010 cases have been found in 35 countries. World Health Organization, In all, 46 children have required liver transplants and 22 have died.
Initially, experts suggested that adenoviruses – a type of virus that causes the common cold – may be linked to outbreaks.
Led study University of Glasgow and at Great Ormond Street Hospital London have suggested that another common virus, adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2), was present in most cases, and is possibly involved in rare but serious liver complications. The studies were posted to a pre-print server before peer review.
The researchers said it was not clear whether the AAV2 detected in the children’s samples was an indicator of prior adenovirus infection or a cause in itself. It does not cause disease at first and cannot replicate without a “helper virus” such as adenovirus.
He added that co-infection with AAV2 and either adenovirus, or less commonly the herpes virus HHV6, was a plausible explanation for cases of hepatitis of unknown origin in children, and that more research was needed.
AAV2 was present in 96% of cases in both studies, including 37 cases in total United Kingdom as well as the control group.
Scottish researchers also found differences in the human leukocyte antigen gene in children who had become severely ill.
Although the reasons behind the timing of the outbreak are unclear, both teams suggested that a peak in adenovirus cases after the coronavirus lockdown is lifted could be a factor.
Both studies also concluded that linking COVID-19 was highly unlikely, as the increase in cases did not follow COVID-19 peaks, no evidence of Sars-CoV-2 was found in the liver, and children antibodies in the same proportion. among the wider population.