Sudanese protesters demand civilian rule, want military out

Tensions have risen between civilians and generals in the transitional government since Sudan’s interim officials said last week that they had foiled a coup attempt within the military.

Thousands of Sudanese in particular rallied in the capital of Khartoum on 30 September to demand a civilian transitional government, accusing the generals of derailing the transition to democracy. Security forces fired tear gas as protesters near a central street housing the government headquarters.

Sudan has been ruled by an interim, joint civil-military government since 2019. The army ousted long-time autocrat Omar al-Bashir in April of that year after four months of massive protests against his rule. Months after al-Bashir’s coup, the ruling generals agreed to share power with citizens representing the protest movement.

“The purpose of these marches is to safeguard Sudan’s democratic transition and there is no way to achieve this without ending any partnership with the Military Council,” a statement issued by the Sudanese Professionals Association said. 2018 and ended in the expulsion of al-Bashir.

Sudan’s interim officials said last week that tensions between civilians and generals in the transitional government had risen. Coup attempt failed within the army. Officials attributed the move to al-Bashir loyalists.

The government’s civilian face, Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, described the coup attempt as an attempt to undermine Sudan’s democratic transition. The interim government has been under pressure to end the war with rebel groups as it seeks to rehabilitate the country’s battered economy, attract much-needed foreign aid and deliver the democracy it promised.

On Thursday, protesters waved Sudanese flags and raised pro-democracy slogans. He accused the military of transferring power to civilians, purging state institutions of remnants of al-Bashir’s regime and bringing justice to those responsible for the killing of dozens of demonstrators in June 2019, when security forces staged a sit-in outside. Military Headquarters in Khartoum.

In a scene reminiscent of the 2018 uprising, a train carried protesters from other Sudanese provinces to Khartoum. Train cars were packed, protesters waved Sudanese flags and victory signs from windows, while others rode on the roof of the slow-moving train.

Several protesters gathered at the entrance of a road leading to government buildings, including the Republican Palace, the seat of the ruling sovereign council, where they were stopped by security forces and tear gas.

The council was created in August 2019 by a power-sharing agreement signed by the military and pro-democracy activists. It consists of five military and six civilian members and is headed by General Abdel-Fattah Burhan.


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