Suggestions for economic reforms: OM Birla

Speaker Om Birla in the fifth world of the members of the Lok Sabha.

New Delhi:

Divinely Speaker OM Birla today will act globally for the editor of the Speaker of Lok Sabha in the fifth world (5 WCSP) stemming from ‘Covid-19’ and the success of multiple choice strategy in helping the public. participate in the meeting. . It is also said that this is also the same as there are other types of reports for well-being as well.

this also further

Member’s member converted this relationship to member’s. OM Birla said that send a message to the world with this message. In such a situation like change in weather will happen. OM Birla also said that it will be updated and updated to create an additional rights related and egalitarian world.

For this type of product also, Bols’s India has made man and co center in this type of climate from pest-19 and with eco-friendly properties. Birla said that it is preferred to like.

In India, the conditions applicable to the incoming weather conditions in the country have been changed and .

Under this scheme in the forest, 110 percent in these seasons

Birla had also said that this determination of the country and India is continuously moving towards a bigger goal.


The Speakers of the Lok Sabha will sit together with the world of the Speakers sitting together with the sitting member together with the seating area, strengthen the ethos of the sitting position on the ground, increase female intercourse and, communication, communication and communication Talked about the need and the camera-equipped construction of PRIDE.


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