Summer Special: Keventers introduces three new flavors of ice cream

Summer is here and so it’s time to kick back all things chill and comfort – ice cream is a popular choice for all. Ice cream is all about nostalgia. It immediately takes us back to the childhood days of summer when we used to eagerly wait for ice cream carts to pass through our locality. In line with the same sentiments of its customers, milkshake brand Kventures has recently launched three new ice cream flavors. The ice cream flavors include Tutti Frutti, Tiramisu and Cookies & Cream, which comes in packs of 100ml and 450ml.

Agastya Dalmiya, Founder and CEO, Keventors, said about the addition of new flavors to their menu, “At Keventors, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We have received an overwhelming response from our consumers so far and we look forward to the These ice cream flavors will be a new delight for them. This year we plan to expand our product portfolio and make it a huge success. We are redefining the dessert experience and living up to our brand heritage. Huh.”

He further elaborated on the flavor profile of the newly launched ice cream. Tutti Frutti flavored ice cream has a topping of jelly cubes and cashews for extra crunch. Whereas, cookies and cream ice cream is rich, creamy and dense, which strikes the perfect balance of our taste buds. Plus, it comes with stuffed cookie crumbles inside. Then there’s tiramisu ice cream, which makes the perfect mix of coffee and dessert for everyone.

sounds delicious; Isn’t it? Let us know which flavor of ice cream you would like to try first.