Sunk vs truce: UK PM’s race intensified by personal attacks – Times of India

LONDON: It has been dubbed the “Blue on Blue” fight, a reference to attacks within different factions of the governing Conservative Party as they turn to leadership competition to replace each other. boris johnson As Tory leader and British Prime Minister.
Before the televised BBC debate between the two finalists – former chancellor Rishi sunki and Foreign Secretary Lizzo truss – The tone of the match on Monday night is becoming increasingly fierce.
Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries, a Johnson loyalist, who is backing Truss in the race, quoted a ‘Daily Mail’ report tweet on the craze on Twitter on Monday morning. GBP 3,500 bespoke suits and Prada shoes – a setback in an attempt to portray him away from the living crisis facing the British public at large.
“Liz Truss will travel the country wearing her earrings, which cost around GBP 4.50 from Claire Accessories,” said Dories, referencing an affordable high street accessories store. “Meanwhile… Rishi visited Teesside in Prada shoes worth 450 GBP and wore a 3,500 GBP suit as he prepared for the crunch leadership vote,” he said.
This prompted an angry reaction from some Tory activists and ministers that they were all on “the same team” and that such personal attacks would be punished at the next general election – expected around 2024.
Cabinet Office minister Johnny Mercer tweeted, “Perhaps it is worth remembering that on the current path we are out of power in two years’ time. The childish nature of this leadership contest is shameful. Time to raise the standards.”
Sunak’s personal wealth and that of Akshata Murthy, daughter of Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy, have been repeatedly referenced in a race in which the former British Indian minister has admitted that she is a “Dalit”. She had directly addressed the issue in the last TV debate, when she spoke about being proud of her father-in-law’s achievement with Infosys.
“My father-in-law came from absolutely nothing, just a dream and had a few hundred pounds that my mother-in-law’s savings provided him, and with that he built one of the world’s largest, most respected, most successful There are companies that employ thousands of people here in the United Kingdom,” he said last week.
He said, “It’s an incredibly conservative story, in fact it’s a story I’m really proud of and as Prime Minister I want to make sure we can create more stories like them here at home.” ”
However, from being photographed using a GBP 180 smart mug and GBP 95 branded sandals when he was chancellor to the latest attacks on his expensive clothing, the issue remains prominent for a section of the UK media and the opposition camp .
Meanwhile, Sunak sought to focus on issues such as curbing inflation at crisis levels and questioned his rival’s promises of “unfunded” tax cuts.
Both candidates have styled themselves as Thatcheries in an attempt to appeal to the staunch authority of the Tory party, both claiming the legacy of the former prime minister who implemented post-war reforms for Britain. . He has also vowed a tougher approach to tackle uncontrolled immigration and China’s aggressive global strategies as part of this strategy.
With social media the major battleground for both camps, craze and truce are deploying different online strategies to woo voters – the former with their Indian heritage and immigrant success story and the latter as a cabinet minister for international There is more focus on his role on stage. One striking common ground is the first name basis on which they are appealing to voters along with Ready4Rishi. Liz Leader for campaign tagline.
However, in contrast to his popularity within the Tory parliamentary party, which won him an easy ride to become one of the two finalists in the race to become the first Indian-origin incumbent at 10 Downing Street, Sunak’s camp seems to know that on wide votes. Winning the Tory membership of an estimated 180,000 voters is a difficult part of the race that ends on September 5.