Sunrise on Mars: Here’s a delightful picture captured by NASA’s InSight lander

A traveler might wish to capture every mesmerizing sunrise and every sunset on planet earth. Wee, there may be a new addition to that bucket list—sunrise on the Red Planet—Mars.

recently, NASAThe InSight Mars lander shared an incredible, stunning photo taken on April 10. This was a picture of sunrise on Mars. InSight is NASA’s first mission to study the interior of Mars – its crust, mantle and core – in depth. It has been on Mars since late 2018.

see picture here

“On April 10, 2022, the 1198th sol (or Martian day) of its mission, our InSight lander took this photo Mars day On the plains of Elysium Planitia.

InSight is NASA’s first mission to study the interior of Mars – its crust, mantle and core – in depth. With its seismometer and other scientific instruments, InSight has captured hundreds of “marsquake“, studied mysterious magnetic pulses, and gave us such incredible ideas; what we’re learning from InSight will not only reveal how planets like Mars first formed, it will help us understand the patterns of the Red Planet.” Will do as we prepare to explore humans. Future NASA missions to Mars. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech #NASA #Space #Astronomy #Mars #Sunrise #InSight”

What is Insight?

InSight, which is short for “Interior Exploration Using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport”, is a stationary Mars lander that studies earthquakes on the planet and its interior. The lander landed in the Elysium Planitia region of Mars in November 2018. The probe has already completed its primary mission of a full Mars year, which equates to about 687 days on Earth. It is now in its expanded phase to try out your photography skills.

Insight study from Mars

NASA said InSight has measured hundreds of “marsquakes” through its mission. It has also studied mysterious magnetic pulses there and captured incredible views such as the sunrise of Mars.

“What we are learning from InSight will not only explain how Mars-like planets first formed, it will help us understand the patterns of the Red Planet as we look to explore Mars on future NASA missions,” the agency said. prepare men for it.”

NASA is also exploring Mars with the help of its other probes – such as the Persistence rover and its companion, the Ingenuity helicopter. The rover is collecting rock samples for future manned missions to collect and return them to Earth. All of these efforts are aimed at finding signs of ancient or microscopic life on Mars and to see if it could support human habitation similar to Earth.

Perseverance and Ingenuity are exploring Jezero Crater on Mars, a dry lake that scientists believe may hold information about possible ancient life.

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