Supreme Court on adjournment: No more date on date India News – Times of India

New Delhi: After more than 28 years of dialogue “Tarikh Pe Tithi” in the movie “Damini”, the views of common citizens have been put on the hearing process of the confusing case, Supreme court On Thursday routinely barred the grant of adjournments and asked lower court judges to risk becoming unpopular among advocates by refusing at the drop of a hat any requests to defer hearings.
a. Taking a dig at the 10 adjournments given by mp court In an eviction suit for delaying the process by four years, a bench of Justices MR Shah and AS Bopanna said, “The court will be very slow in granting an adjournment… the time has come to change the work culture and out of it.” The time has come to let go of the adjournment culture so that the faith and belief placed by the litigants in the justice delivery system is not shaken and the rule of law prevails.”
SC: Repeated adjournments broke the back of litigants
Writing the judgment, Justice Shah observed that the tactics used by unscrupulous litigants at times are to repeatedly seek adjournments and cause huge delays in denial of justice to the opposite party. “Repeated adjournments break the back of the litigants. The courts are asked to perform their duties with a view to strengthen the confidence of the common man in the institution entrusted with the administration of justice. ”
“Any attempt which weakens the system and shakes the faith of the common man in the judicial system should be discouraged. Therefore, courts will not grant adjournments in a routine manner and mechanically and will not be a party to the delay in delivering justice. The courts should be diligent and take timely action to bring about an efficient judicial system and to instill faith in the rule of law,” the bench said.
The Supreme Court was aware of the work culture in lower courts where a judge invites displeasure of litigants and becomes unpopular among advocates if he takes a tough stand and regularly refuses adjournments sought .
“The judicial officer shall not worry about that if his conscience is clear. The judicial officer has to take into account his duties towards the litigants who are before the courts and who have come to justice and for whom there are courts and the litigants have time But make all efforts to provide justice,” the SC said.
The SC said that due to this indomitable adjournment culture prevailing over the years in the justice delivery system, the right of litigants to speedy trial has become elusive. Justice Shah said, “The arrears are increasing due to such delays, protracted tactics, repeated adjournments by advocates and courts mechanically and regularly granting it.”
The Supreme Court cautioned, “It cannot be disputed that the delay in access to justice and timely delivery of justice may shake the faith and confidence of the litigants in the justice delivery system.”


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