Surya Dev Worship Method: For the worship of Sun God, do this with these mantras:

Sun in Astrology: The coming of the swollen Sun is in the Sun God. Devotees worship with the address of Suryadev (Sun God). engaged in every womb. The seven days of the blow to the head are auspicious for the worship of Surya (worship of the Sun), but then the auspicious fruit of the sun god (Sun God) is good for the body. It is in the Puranas that on the chariot of seven horses of the sun are the members who enter into a person’s identity. Every zodiac sign changes. But all the devotees can do with the chanting and fervor of certain special mantras.

do this

Get ready early for the sun god. The memory of the Sun God with clean clothes and a pure mind. The courtyard in the east direction, the sun god emerged from the direction. This mantra should be offered to Sook Surya.

Surya Arghya Mantra

Ahi Suryadev Sahasransho Tejo Rekha Jagatpete.
Anukampya Maa Bhaktya Grihnardhya Divkar:
Om Surya Namah, Om Adityaya Namah, Om Namo Bhaskaraya Namah.
Arghya Samarpayami

the direct god is the sun

In the Sanatan tradition, the Sun is considered to be the only God who is upright. To worship the Sun, the Sun God is worshipped. Join Red Roli and Red Flower. If magic spells the Sun is powerful with the Mantra Mantra.

Hate Surya Namah:

Surya Dev Beej Mantra
Om Haran Hreem Haraun Sah Surya Namah:

A special mantra has been applied to the worship of dry Bhaskar.

Significance of Teen Pahar Puja

If you can do it, you can do it. The worship of Sun God is accompanied by health care. For honor, for good luck and good fortune.

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