Suspicious electronic device found near Surat Mall. Surat News – Times of India

Surat: A suspicious electronic device resembling a Bluetooth speaker was found unclaimed from Gaurav Path near VR Mall in Surat on Monday. Police have yet to confirm what the device was. The police, however, said that the locals have apprehended a suspect., But he managed to escape from the spot.
On receiving the information, about 50 policemen including Crime Branch officials reached the spot and started investigation. Police are now trying to identify the device as to who left it there. They are also checking the CCTV footage of the area.
“From preliminary investigation, we came to know that the locals had spotted a person on the spot with the device. People questioned him and tried to keep him there till the police arrived, but he fled,” said a police officer.
“No formal complaint has been registered yet. We will announce the details only after the preliminary investigation is completed,” the official said.


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