Symptoms and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Experiencing bloating, diarrhea or urinating for hours trying to relieve yourself. These are some common health problems that may sound harmless but can take a toll on one’s efficiency at work or any other activity. When someone goes through a mix of these symptoms, the condition is known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

IBS is a common chronic condition that has become prevalent nowadays especially among Indians. According to a survey, most of the people complained of digestive issues like constipation, abdominal pain, incomplete evacuation etc. But, since these symptoms are quite common, hardly anyone seeks help and keeps on suffering from issues.

IBS is also known as irritable colon, spastic colon, mucus colitis, or spastic colitis. Experts suggest that these are a group of intestinal symptoms that occur together and can last anywhere from a few hours to a few months.


A person with irritable bowel syndrome is likely to experience cramping, bloating or gas, diarrhea and constipation. Based on the symptoms, IBS is divided into three types. These are IBS with constipation (IBS-C), IBS with diarrhea (IBS-D) and IBS with mixed bowel habits (IBS-M).

IBS-C is quite common these days when a person notices hard and lumpy stools. In this type of IBS, one is likely to experience fewer bowel movements, while other symptoms such as bloating and gas also add to the discomfort.

In IBS-D, most people have loose and watery stools. This condition is accompanied by abdominal pain and frequent urge to urinate.

People with IBS-M usually go through a mix of symptoms and may experience alternating diarrhea and constipation. During this condition hard and watery stools may occur on a single day.


Although there is no specific treatment for IBS, doctors suggest that making some changes to your lifestyle and eating habits can provide considerable relief. Patients are advised to do regular physical exercise such as yoga, swimming or walking to get relief from the symptoms. Reducing your intake of caffeinated drinks that stimulate the bowels can also be of great help.

In addition, avoiding deep-fried foods, reducing stress, consuming probiotics, and preferring smaller meals can all work effectively in relieving IBS symptoms.

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