गैस की समस्या ने कर रखा है परेशान? जानें तुरंत राहत पाने का रामबाण उपाय

Gas pain in stomach : गैस्ट्रिक समस्याओं से दूर रखने में सौंफ भी काफी मददगार है.…

Pregnancy Heartburn Remedies: 4 Tips To Effectively Manage Acidity – Experts Explain

Pregnancy can be an exciting time in many women’s lives. While it can be joyous, this…

What Is Acidity? Know About Causes, Symptoms And Home Remedies To Cure It

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Do you start your day with morning tea? why you need to close it immediately

Having bed tea first thing in the morning is a common practice in most Indian households.…

Are you worried about bleaching underwear due to vaginal discharge? expert answer

The vagina contains beneficial bacteria, known as lactobacilli, which are essential for maintaining an acidic environment.…

Is Your Chest Pain a Sign of a Heart Attack? heed these signs

It is very important to identify the cause of chest pain. Medical help should be sought…

Gas problem: If gas is always produced in your stomach, then avoid these 6 things that go in the morning, know their names

Benefits of Onion: Eating onion keeps body temperature in balance, immense benefits for stomach, gives these…

Say bye-bye to acidity with these yoga poses

A very effective yoga asana to help you with acidity is Bhujangasana. (Image: shutterstock) Certain yoga…

Acidity problem? Here are 7 natural home remedies to get relief from acidity

Home remedies to treat acidity: In the lifestyle that we are living nowadays, we eat such…

Gas Relief: 5 Natural Remedies To Relieve Gastric Issues And Bloating

Gas relief measures: Among the worst fears is the thought of passing gas in public and…