Star Health introduced major insurance policy

Star Health & Allied Insurance, a standalone health insurance company, has announced the launch of star…

COVID raises health insurance awareness among millennials: Study

COVID-19 has raised awareness and the need to buy health insurance policies, especially among millennials. But…

Star Health can’t settle claims if you get admitted to a non-network hospital

If you have a group insurance policy from Star Health, your insurer may not settle the…

Health insurance claims by women 31% less than men: Survey

According to a survey by SecureNow Insurance Brokers, the average amount of health insurance claims made…

Airway cleaning: On quarantine-free entry for passengers

The world must prioritize equitable health care and regain the normalcy of the past What will…

Vitamin D deficiency seriously linked to death of hospitalized Covid-19 patients: Study – Times of India

Washington: A new study has found that low levels of vitamin D Severe cases of covid-19…

The case for vaccinating children against COVID-19

Protecting all children, especially those with risk factors, should be a humanitarian priority for the government…

open school

India is reporting more than 2,80,000 cases per day, which is an uncomfortable statistic in itself.…

Not everyone’s light: On Omicron’s community transmission

Even at the peak of the second wave in India last year, when no contact tracing…

Tackling the Omicron wave, getting ready for the future

States may benefit from the use of learning as India is more likely to reflect South…