Atiq-Ashraf massacre: Al Qaeda calls slain gangsters ‘martyrs’, threatens revenge

Image Source : PTI/FILE Atiq-Ashraf massacre: Al Qaeda calls slain gangsters ‘martyrs’, threatens revenge Ateeq-Ashraf Massacre:…

Atiq Ahmed murder case: SIT recreates crime scene, Shaista still absconding. here’s what happened so far

Image Source: PTI Police said that recreating the crime scene is likely to provide vital clues…

Atiq Ahmed helped save the UPA government in 2008, know how?

Written and published by Rajesh Singh, the book mentions that Atiq was one of the strongmen…

Atik-Ashraf murder: Authority commission headed by a special judge of the High Court will be constituted, the report will be directed in two months

A three-member commission will investigate the murder of Atiq and Ashraf. (file) Lucknow : Chief Minister…

These criminals were allegedly involved in the murder of Atiq Ahmed and Ashraf, names surfaced, three arrested

New Delhi: Mafia Ateeq Ahmed And the names of the three criminals who killed Ashraf are…