Want to stay healthy for lifelong? Four hours of physical activity is all you need

Image Source : FREEPIK Four hours of exercise ensures lifelong health According to a study published…

Enhance Immunity: Vital Lifestyle Habits For A Stronger Immune System

A robust immune system is your body’s first line of defense against illnesses and infections. While…

Staying Physically Active Can Prevent Stroke And Heart Rhythm Disorders: Study

Physical activity is associated with a lower risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke, according to a…

Benefits Of Exercise: Working Out While Fasting Can Help With Mental Focus And Clarity, Here’s Why

While fasts are often observed for good health, an unhealthy myth follows this custom. It is…

Good Mood-Boosting Habits for the Morning

Everyone starts the day differently. Some people like to wake up early and plan their day,…

Air pollution affects benefits of physical exercise and activities, claims new study

Air pollution affects the human body in many ways, and it can cause many diseases. New…