International Tea Day: 5 myths about tea, stop believing from today itself

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Tea Day is celebrated…

Tea, Coffee and Other Caffeinated Drinks Can Make You Feel More Tired, Here’s How to Beat Fatigue

Image source: Freepik Representative image of tired woman at work Anyone can experience fatigue at any…

Study: Drinking tea may reduce risk of type 2 diabetes

Research on more than 1 million people in eight countries found that moderate use of black,…

Can drinking tea reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes? study finds it

Washington (USA): Moderate use of black, green or oolong tea is associated with a lower risk…

International Tea Day 2022: Best Teas to Improve Immunity (Suggestions of Experts)

Tea is probably one of the most popular everyday beverages after water. Many of us cannot…

Your Skin’s New Best Friend: The Best Teas for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Tea is not a trick; It can be soothing when you’re sick, relaxing when you need…