Traffic Pollution Linked To Alzheimer’s Brain Plaque Formation, Study Reveals

People with higher exposure to traffic-related air pollution are more likely to have high amounts of…

Power Of Smell: Odours Might Prompt Certain Brain Cells To Make Decisions, Says Research

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus revealed that smells trigger certain brain cells,…

Preserving Brain Health: Expert Tips To Prevent Cognitive Decline With Ageing

In an age where dementia and Alzheimer’s disease pose an escalating global threat, safeguarding brain health…

Poor Inaudible Audio Makes Brain Work 35% Harder To Understand Lyrics And Information

Global audio and video brand EPOS has launched findings examining the impact poor audio quality is…

Understanding How Our Brain Signals Us To Avoid Certain Allergic Foods

Researchers from Yale University in the US showed that the immune system recognises allergens and pathogens…

Coffee Can Enhance Brain Performance By Giving A ‘Special’ Boost, Beyond Caffeine, Says Study

The energising effect that individuals experience from consuming a cup of coffee cannot be replicated solely…

The Power of Exercise: Protecting Against Major Brain Haemorrhage

Regular physical activity and exercise may lower bleeding in people with intracerebral haemorrhage, according to research…

How can gender inequality shrink women’s brains? studies show

According to the findings of global research, including India, gender inequality is linked to differences in…

Weight Loss: Should You Drink Green Tea At Night? Check out the health benefits of drinking this herbal drink before sleeping

Health Benefits of Green Tea: Green tea is a popular drink that has many health benefits.…

Apple Health Benefits: This red fruit helps in reducing cholesterol – know why it should be eaten daily

There is a saying that ‘eat an apple a day to drive the doctor away’. Apple…