Problem with star rating of packaged food

To understand the specifics, a good place to start is with so-called healthy food products. As…

4 things to keep in mind while buying packaged food

What do a bag of chips and a packaged tea-time cake have in common? Both of…

Most people are in favor of including front-of-pack warning labels on foods.

New Delhi: More than 91% people are in favor of consumer friendly Front of Pack Labeling…

GST rate hike is applicable from today, these goods will become expensive

Dahi, Lassi and Murmura will attract GST at the rate of 5 percent. New Delhi: The…

Changes in the main GST rate will start from Monday

New Delhi Pre-packaged and labeled food items and services such as costly non-intensive care hospital stays…

Inside India’s reluctance to control junk food

Both types of food consumed by the volunteers contained similar amounts of sugar, fat and calories.…