Home truths on climate change

There is a gap between what the government says on the international stage and what it…

Stepping Stones in the Post-Pandemic World

There is a window for India to play an important role, which is important, in building…

COP27 in Egypt should focus on food systems

In any re-imagining of food systems, now unequal and strained, the world must factor in climate…

Tone set in Glasgow, further work in Delhi

As India moves towards renewable energy, e-vehicle use and a digital economy, there is a need…

Climate change FAQs for dictators

To avoid emissions, I literally attended COP, which means ‘Conference of Parties’, French for ‘Mother of…

The heavy lifting on climate action must begin

Glasgow’s success was that it completed building the scaffolding for climate action, and countries must now…

India needs around $10 trillion to meet net zero target: Study

Most of this money will be needed to scale up production from renewable energy: Think Tank…

COP26 climate agreement shows fragility of new emissions-cutting pledge

Hours later, Mr. Kerry underscored the new agreement’s fundamental weakness when he said the US, the…

UK PM Boris Johnson takes ‘big step forward’ with COP26 deal – Times of India

London: British Prime Minister Boris johnson The deal made at the end of the COP26 The…

COP26 Deal Happens as Nation Rally for Compromise

Nearly 200 countries came together on Saturday for a global deal to tackle the climate. Glasgow,…