Covid-19: Record 1,757 new cases in Delhi, positivity rate 28.63%; Maharashtra recorded 1,100 new infections

Image Source: PTI Record 1,757 new cases in Delhi, positivity rate 28.63%; Maharashtra recorded 1,100 new…

Kovid-19: In the last 24 hours in India, new cases of infection increased to 11,109; Active caseload is 49,622

Image Source: PTI Kovid 19: In the last 24 hours in India, new cases of infection…

WATCH: Apple iPhone 14 employees run away with what they keep due to COVID scare

Workers assembling Apple’s iPhone 14 have left their workplace in northern China to escape the COVID-19…

How did COVID-19 start? Another report backs the ‘lab leak’ theory

It seems everyone has an opinion on how COVID-19 came into existence. US Republicans on the…